Read the review, it's constructive not negative.
Now I believe that using the FL Stock percussion was useless. It instantly categorizes this track as amateur. The other things that bugged me personally were using 3xOsc sound presets. If you tweaked them, at least, your sounds would sound better. Layering effects on them would also make them sound better. Last thing is that some of your melodies have accidentals. Although, in this case, I wouldn't say they're accidentals rather than wrong notes and your melody around at 1:28 has a few of those. I'd just be careful of those because they make the melody a little more difficult to listen to. I understand that this is an old song but you need to take the criticism regardless.
I was impressed that for a 7minute song, you didn't make the song ever seem boring. Lots of different melodies. I congratulate you on that. Keep it up man, I can see that with practice, you might get somewhere.